The following programs are available to the campus community:

  • Women's Self Defense Classes: The Department of Public Safety offers self defense classes for women in order to "develop and enhance the options of self defense, so they may become viable considerations to the woman who is attacked." Complete the R.A.D. Registration/Release Form.
  • Campus Watch: University community members are encouraged to immediately report suspicious persons, vehicles, and activities to the Department of Public Safety. Public Safety utilizes Watch Captains in each building to disperse emergency information, distribute crime prevention literature, post crime alerts, and act as a safety and security liaison for their area of responsibility. The Watch Captain program is organized through each Building Administrator. Please contact your Building Administrator to be directed to your Watch Captain.
  • Safety & Security Presentations: Throughout the year, the crime prevention unit provides safety and security presentations in residence halls and other campus locations. Safety information is distributed at all presentations, meetings and seminars, and is available at the Department of Public Safety in 120 Leahy Hall.
  • New Student Orientation: A variety of presentations are available to share knowledge about DPS services and increase awareness of safety and security on and around campus. DPS staff members are available to answer questions from parents and students.
  • Operation Street Smart: Provide information about personal and property safety that will reduce the risk of becoming a victim of crime on campus and the surrounding areas.
  • Participation in National Campus Safety Month: DPS participates in National Campus Safety month each September by providing a variety of programs and activities for the campus community.

Information about sexual assault prevention and education at Catholic University

  • Rape Aggressive Defense Systems

    The Department of Public Safety offers self defense classes for women in order to "develop and enhance the options of self defense, so they may become viable considerations to the woman who is attacked."

    Learn More